Someone asked me if we can easily compute the average CPU usage of a particular program over its lifetime when the program is scheduled to terminate at some point in the future. At that time it should print out the result. Here's what I came up with:
# get average CPU for a process
pid=`pgrep "$1"`
while [ -n "$pid" ]; do
temp=`ps -eo pid,pcpu | grep $pid | awk '{print $2}'`
total=`echo "scale=2;$total+$temp" | bc`
sleep 1
pid=`pgrep "$1"`
average=`echo "scale=2;$total/$times" | bc`
echo "Average cpu usage for $1 is: $average"
To run it give it an argument, which should be the name of the process or part or all of the command that launched it, and background the process, e.g.:
./ "java myprogram" &
So, when "java myprogram" terminates, this script tells me its average CPU usage.
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